Flashback: Mary McDonald's L.A. Office circa 2006
Mary McDonald's L.A. Office, Domino Magazine 2006
I'm in love with the new Domino! Probably because it's becoming the old Domino, just online. Their latest feature takes us back to January 2006, which, coincidentally, is when I received my very first copy. The cover story was Mary McDonald's L.A. office, a sophisticated little space tucked inside a 1-bedroom cottage. It was part DIY, part glamour, and, in short, a budding designer's dream office. You'll notice some nostalgic touches, as Mary was inspired by a 1950's Christian Dior dress salon. Read all about it over on Domino.
Mary McDonald's L.A. Office, Domino Magazine 2006
Mary McDonald's L.A. Office, Domino Magazine 2006
A file cabinet gets a facelift with photocopied wallpaper. I thought it was pretty ingenious at the time.
Mary McDonald's L.A. Office, Domino Magazine 2006
Mary McDonald's L.A. Office, Domino Magazine 2006
Mary McDonald's L.A. Office, Domino Magazine 2006
Images: Melanie Acevedo, Domino Magazine