It's here...

... and it looks remarkably similar to her house

Now you lucky Angelinos. Go forth and shop fabulous.

P.S. Enter Kelly's Your Home, Your Vibe contest to win a design consultation and more!

via The LA Times

Desiré Greene
Desiré is a designer, blogger, and lover of all things glamorous. Though primarily a self-taught decorator, Desiré studied at The Art Institute, where she honed a distinct aesthetic largely influenced by the Modern Glamour movement, the theme of her popular design blog, Sukio. Not only is she considered a "closet fashionista," discreetly stashing handbags and shoes whenever possible, but, as an MIT graduate, she’s also an undercover nerd. Fashion, nerdom, and several years as a Washingtonian have combined to shape her unique perspective on interior design.

Interiors: Stately Glamour...


Interiors: Working with Flair...